Metro Nashville At-Large Council Member Steve Glover Resigns from Position

Metro Nashville At-Large Council Member Steve Glover on Tuesday resigned from his position, citing that the role has “been a challenge with regards to my health.”

Glover, one of the more conservative voices on the panel, previously served on the Metro Nashville School Board before being elected to his position on the Metro Nashville Council.

“I write to present my resignation from the Metro Council effective March 1, 2022. As you are aware these past several months have been a challenge with regards to my health. One of the major causes is the amount of stress I allow myself to be placed under. This is the area of my life, among others, that I need to be extremely focused upon at this time,” Glover wrote in his resignation letter.

Councilman Bob Mendes confirmed the news in a tweet, following a message from vice mayor Jim Shulman.

“Steve and I often disagreed, but not always. I’ve always appreciated his willingness to serve,” the tweet read.

Furthermore, because of the at-large position, Glover’s seat will remain vacant for the rest of his term until the next regularly scheduled election.

During his tenure on the council, Glover remained opposed to several, progressive initiatives imposed by the city. For example, in an interview on The Tennessee Star Report in December, the council member questioned efforts to pour millions into affordable housing projects throughout the city, explaining that the funding was through federal relief for the coronavirus pandemic.

“I was reading the analysis, and it looks like we’ve put in, like $59 million on affordable housing. I don’t think we’ve still got a real handle on it. That’s number one. Number two, we’re using a ton of COVID money out of it. And for whatever reason, people seem to think, well, that’s federal money, that doesn’t affect us,” Glover told The Tennessee Star. “Yes, it does. It’s money that affects us all. I’m frustrated with the affordable housing efforts because I think there are other ways it can be done that are more cost-efficient. But of course, they’re just going to spend money. That’s all they know how to do, is spend money.”

During the coronavirus pandemic, he was one of the few members to speak against a mask mandate.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Background Photo “Nashville City Hall” by Nicolas Henderson. CC BY 2.0.



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2 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville At-Large Council Member Steve Glover Resigns from Position”

  1. LM

    Sorry to hear that he has resigned, but hopefully his health concerns will be resolved. He is certainly a hero for Nashville conservatives.

  2. Trevor

    Steve Glover was a fiscal hawk and supported the hardworking people if Nashville! Thus us a big loss for conserving Davidson county. Steve please please run or support a real conservative for metro mayor. We need a voice of reason and fiscal discipline!
